How to pronounce my name: it rhymes with "candy". (Chinese: 吴燕迪)
I am a Lovett Instructor at Rice University, where I am very fortunate to be working with Chris Leininger. I received my PhD in May 2024 from University of Wisconsin, Madison after working with two amazing advisors: Tullia Dymarz and Caglar Uyanik.
I am broadly interested in the intersection of geometric group theory, low dimensional topology, and dynamics. I have thought about marked length spectrum, topological, and QI rigidity. My growing list of objects I have worked with include surfaces and their generalizations, right-angled Coxeter groups, and Anosov flows on CAT(-1) spaces. I'm always in search of collaborators- let me know if you're interested!
My office is located in Hermann Brown Hall 426.
You can reach me by email at yandi (dot) wu (at) rice (dot) edu.